Erin Feiger and Jennifer Kodros


Montana native Erin Feiger (Left) earned her M.F.A. from USC in Writing for Screen and Television. Her focus is comedy and has been since she told her first-grade teacher on career day that she wanted to work on Saturday Night Live. She writes short fiction, does stand-up and would love to one day run a writing ranch retreat for kids.

Indiana Alumna and Midwest nomad, Jen Kodros (Right) is a graduate of Chicago’s Second City Conservatory and is currently working her way through The Groundlings. She is writing a YA book series The Bloodline Chronicles, based on the legends of the Greek Gods, and has a blog **RETROSPECTACULAR** which discusses love, loss, the hilarity that is adulting and everything in between.

Erin and Jen found each other in LA and became writing partners over a late-night wine at a sunset diner discussing the trials and travesties of dating in your 30s. Combining their voices has been a symphonic success. You are sincerely welcome.

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